Built with blockchain technology at heart. Be among the first to learn the details and don’t miss your chance to participate.
Please be aware of those addresses: https://explorer.deviantcoin.io/address/dE17yoUhQLuHNjZhAMHXRdrmTyZh89jPUv All the premine gathered there. https://explorer.deviantcoin.io/address/dSE9A9RDVzD1oQFXjNBeov44oxm5yw8Eup for development fee, that replaced the « masternode program ». The block reward is now
Materials and tools 1 x A4 paper 1 x Scissor 1 x Glue Optional: To improve the quality of the Paper Wallet, you can
[15-Aug-18 12:28 AM] Street Jammer#6383 One free coin listing for the month of August. To get any of these coins listed;1 CPScoin @cpscoin 2 Deviant
[06-Aug-18 03:35 AM] NightCrawler#8378 Our final slots for Coinswap will be completed by Aug 6th UTC 23:30 hours. We have extended it to one more
[01-Aug-18 03:27 AM] NightCrawler#8378 We are pleased to announce the release of our technical whitepaper which focuses on our primary product. The Decentralized Exchange named
[17-Jul-18 04:11 AM] NightCrawler#8378 Thought we needed an official clarification on the announcement made in our previous post. To clarify, we did not say that
[09-Jul-18 02:28 AM] Street Jammer#6383 UPDATED FAUCET http://deviantcoin.lolpool.club/ register here before using the faucet http://deviantcoin.lolpool.club/register [11-Jul-18 01:10 AM] Akerboya#9468 Guys, this swap process was not
[30-Jun-18 01:42 PM] Street Jammer#6383 Crytobridge is participating in the swap , Just confirmed . Crytobridge swap scheduled to complete by Monday [30-Jun-18 07:19 PM]
Built with blockchain technology at heart. Be among the first to learn the details and don’t miss your chance to participate.